Note: Horoscope is applicable to those born between February 9, 1986 and January 28, 1987. If you were born before February 9, 1986, your zodiac sign is the Ox. Please refer to the 2022 zodiac fortune for the ox born in 1985.


The life of Tigers born in 1986 will not change much in 2023. However, neither the tiger nor its family will fare well. Therefore, they must give priority to physical health care. The Tigers need to curb their bad mood this year. Especially in public places, you must learn to hide your true inner thoughts, otherwise you will offend others and even affect interpersonal relationships. In 2023, for increasing blessings, it is advisable to wear a tiger pattern red agate bracelet.

See more: https://phongthuyso.vn/tu-vi-2023 


In terms of career, Tigers born in 1986 will be affected by the negative impact of the "Bingfu" star, and work progress will be delayed. Therefore, Tigers should pay special attention to their health. Only with a strong body can you devote more time and energy in the workplace. In addition, you must properly handle the relationship with colleagues and superiors. In 2023, career happiness will improve, so it is best for Tiger people to wear tiger pattern lapis lazuli bracelets.


In terms of wealth, Tigers born in 1986 will have the help of the promising star "Tian Yi". Relatives and friends are very kind to them, and Tigers can always get the latest business information from them. When buying investment products, they will not find it easy to lose money, and they can always buy funds and stocks with positive returns. However, for Tiger people, this age is very uncomfortable and embarrassing, because they have parents and children to support at home, and the pressure and burden are very heavy. You have a lot of bills to pay every month. So you shouldn't be reckless in buying too many flashy things. In 2023, women should wear yellow tiger yellow citrine bracelets, with good feng shui and abundant financial resources. For men, it is best to wear a tiger eye and tiger pattern bracelet.

Love and relationships

In terms of love and affection, Tigers born in 1986 may not perform so well in 2023, but they will not have too many problems in this regard. Married Tigers tend to vent their anger on their partners, which can easily lead to family conflicts and quarrels. However, in nature, tigers are not malicious( Boi tinh duyen ). Although they are often angry, they will calm down quickly and there will not be too much conflict in family life. People who belong to the tiger are recommended to wear a rose quartz bracelet with tiger patterns to attract beautiful love or resolve the crisis of love and marriage.


Tigers born in 1986 will be affected by the inauspicious star "Wangshen" in 2023, so they need to pay special attention to the health of their elders in the family. They need to pay more attention to their health and have regular comprehensive physical examinations. This year, they should also pay special attention to their personal health. If they plan to play ball or do gymnastics, they need to learn to protect themselves from sprained joints. In 2023, tiger green agate bracelets can be worn to maintain health. If you drive often, you'd better hang a brass copper pumpkin gourd pendant in the car in 2023 for good luck and safe driving.

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Website: https://phongthuyso.vn/ 

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/tuvanphongthuysovn 

Email: phongthuyso.vn@gmail.com 

Location: Số 27 To Vinh Dien - Thanh Xuan - Ha Noi - Viet Nam


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